Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Hang on, is that ??? Have they really??? They have!

I was chatting to a friend who owns a joke / fancy dress shop today, (in her shop) when an odd couple walked in; when I say 'odd' I mean that, even without everything else I'm about to describe, they would still have been... 'Off' somehow. 

He walked around the shop, slowly and carefully photographing EVERYTHING. 

Their huge, gorgeous but smelly, dog (and I love dogs, I'm not one of those people who thinks dogs are always smelly - this one STUNK) came to me for a fuss, then, when I stopped, started barking. I resumed fussing, but no... He was barking now.  Eventually he did stop (after about 5 minutes of absolutely no prompting from his people) and went to lie down in the middle of the shop. 

It's worth pointing out that through all of this, the couple walked around the shop, photographing things and being disproportionately amused by plastic biscuits, seemingly without noticing the dog... They just walked around the shop holding his extendable lead, which thankfully was extendable enough that they could explore without the dog having to get up. 

You know those cardboard masks that are photographs of celebrities? Well they named and laughed at EVERY SINGLE ONE of them, then then woman loudly shouted "Thank you" and left. 

There was something else about them though... What was it?...

Oh yeah, the pushchair. 

It was the pushchair that prompted us to mouth the conversation I've used as the title of this post. 

They had a bright pink pushchair with them. 

Our attention (the friends and my own) kept flicking from the pushchair, then to each other, then back to the pushchair, then back to each other, then to whatever random thing these people were pointing at and guffawing at that moment... Then back to the pushchair. 

The pushchair was a slightly odd shape, and where you would expect it to be open, it had a fine black mesh covering. 

To be fair, the pushchair really did need the mesh. 

If the pushchair had not had the mesh... The cat would probably have escaped. 


Before sharing an image on Facebook

This one is a combination of "too long" and "I can see myself referring to it again"...

When you see an image on facebook that's either incredible (like an amazing occurrence or unusually sized animal) or distressing ("Help find these people doing this horrible thing") BEFORE you share it, this is what you are going to do:

Monday, 14 October 2013

Pleasing the customers with extra value; how NOT to do it.

As a non-HD adopter, I'm getting slightly miffed at the way the studios are trying to get us to switch.

Monday, 9 September 2013

DC Invites Readers to Kill Naked Woman!!!

For those of you who have missed this, the latest non-event stirring outrage on the interwebs is a contest by DC Comics, inviting entrants to draw a naked woman about to die; Sikkos!