Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Before sharing an image on Facebook

This one is a combination of "too long" and "I can see myself referring to it again"...

When you see an image on facebook that's either incredible (like an amazing occurrence or unusually sized animal) or distressing ("Help find these people doing this horrible thing") BEFORE you share it, this is what you are going to do:

1. Click through to the image.
2. Right click the image and click "save as". Put the image somewhere you can find it, and give it an easy to remember name.
3. Go to http://www.google.com/imghp (Or search "Google images").
4. Click the camera in the Search bar.
5. Click "upload an Image" then "Choose File"
6. Browse to the image you just saved, and click "open"
7. Google will find any stories or post about that image.

From this you will be able to ascertain if the image is real, or current (If the criminals have already been caught, for instance, or the image is several years old, then it isn't worth distressing anyone with).

THEN AND ONLY THEN should you share the image, having spent 60 seconds on basic fucking research to see if it's worthwhile.

Your friends will be spared unnecessary distress and/or you will look less gullible.

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